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Complementary Loaner Car!
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Complementary Loaner Cars!
At City Auto Body Centers, we understand that having a car is essential to your daily life. We offer COMPLEMENTARY LOANER CARS to our customers to use during the repair of their vehicle at no additional expense. City Auto Body Centers are the only collision repair facilities in the Spokane area to offer COMPLEMENTARY LOANER CARS to our customers!
- Free Pickup and Delivery
We're happy to make arrangements to pick up your vehicle and bring it to our repair facility. We'll also give you a lift home or to the office if necessary.
- Other Rental Car Options
If you have specialized needs not met by one of the loaner cars available at our four locations, arrangements can be made for a rental car. Most automobile insurance policies include rental car coverage. You will want to check with your insurance company on the specified coverage allowance in your policy--it may not cover all the days your car will be in the repair facility.
(509) 924-3825 2512 North Woodruff Rd. (East of Argonne Village) Click for Map
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